Axis: Bold as Love – The Jimi Hendrix Experience

Axis: Bold as Love - The Jimi Hendrix Experience
Axis: Bold as Love – The Experience

Fresh from the resounding success of their debut album, ‘Are You Experienced', the trio of The Jimi Hendrix Experience unveil ‘Axis: Bold as Love', a psychedelic gem that marks the evolution of and its charismatic leader.

Where “Are You Experienced” established Hendrix as an outstanding guitarist, “Axis” portrays him as a complete artist, an explorer of sonic lands. The trio – Hendrix, accompanied by Noel Redding on bass and on drums – navigates between rock, blues, soul and Indian touches. The colourful cover, depicting Hendrix and his bandmates as Hindu divinities, prepares the listener for this mystical epic.

Jimi Hendrix
Jimi Hendrix

The original cover for ‘Axis' should have been completely different! The Hindu artwork was chosen without the consent of Hendrix, who had in mind a photo of himself and the band with children.

From “Spanish Castle Magic”, in which Jimi recalls a club where he played before he became famous, to the melancholy ballad “Little Wing”, each track is a nugget. “If 6 Was 9” expresses Hendrix's determination to remain himself, on the fringes of convention: “I'm the one who's gonna die when it's time for me to die, so let me live my life the way I want. A powerful declaration of independence.

The Axis: Bold as Love album

“Axis: Bold as Love is The Jimi Hendrix Experience's affirmation of maturity. The band fully embraces psychedelia, while injecting it with their own unique essence. The album is an exploration of the capabilities of the electric guitar, but also a profound introspection. Hendrix, as a poet of the six-string, paints sonic pictures, inviting the listener to immerse himself body and soul.

“Castles Made of Sand” is a poignant track, where the guitar cries as much as it sings, and where Hendrix reveals his cracks. “Bold as Love”, the final track, is an apotheosis, a fiery declaration of love to music and to life.

“Axis: Bold as Love” is not just a rock album. It's a work of art, an inner journey guided by Hendrix at the peak of his powers. If “Are You Experienced” was the explosion, “Axis” is the ensuing light, illuminating the musical universe with a hue forever associated with the genius of Jimi Hendrix.

The Little Wing song

“Little Wing” opens with a guitar introduction that, in the space of a few seconds, sets the dreamlike, poetic tone of the song. In just two and a half minutes, Hendrix gives us a compendium of his mastery of the guitar, navigating between sweetness and intensity. But perhaps the real magic lies in the lyrics. By evoking a celestial creature that “flies in the wind”, Hendrix invites us to a reverie, a meditation on ephemeral beauty.

“Little Wing” is partly inspired by Hendrix's childhood memories. In an interview, he said he was inspired by the Monterey Festival, where he felt an angelic presence.

What is remarkable about ‘Little Wing' is its ability to transcend time and genre. Although Hendrix wrote it as a lullaby for an elusive muse, the song has inspired countless artists, from and John Mayer to Stevie Ray Vaughan and . Each, in their own way, seeking to capture that elusive essence that makes “Little Wing” so unique.

“When I'm sad, she comes to me, with a thousand smiles she gives to me free. These simple yet evocative words show an introspective Hendrix, far from the image of the flamboyant guitar hero. He is a poet, a dreamer, an artist in the purest sense of the word.

Several artists covered Little Wing, including :

(featuring Eric Clapton): Appearing on their album ‘Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs', this cover showcases Clapton's guitar skills and distinct voice. It has a bluesy feel that sets it apart from the original.

Sting: The ex-leader of has given “Little Wing” a jazzy, reggae feel. His version, which appears on the album “…Nothing Like the Sun”, also includes segments of “If 6 Was 9”, another Hendrix song.

: This Irish family band included “Little Wing” on their album “Talk on Corners”, offering a gentle, melodic interpretation with a Celtic twist.

(with ): Santana's version, accompanied by Joe Cocker's husky vocals, is a captivating blend of rock and Latin. Santana's iconic guitar adds a new dimension to the song.

Where to listen to Axis: Bold As Love?

Useful links for Jimi Hendrix